Eillie Anzilotti – The business of the future is ethical, sustainable, and employee-owned

You may not know it, but when you’re buying clothes from Eileen Fisher, you’re buying from an employee-owned company. Fisher founded the company in the early 1980s, but instead of going public, she sold 30% of the company to her own employees in 2006 (they now own 40%). That’s helped her keep the brand’s principles aligned: Eileen Fisher was one of the first clothing companies to offset 100% of its carbon footprint, and it’s become a pioneer in advancing localized, sustainable production, setting itself on a path to use 100% organic cotton and linen by 2020.

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Simon Rogerson – The real benefits of employee share ownership

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘no man is an island’. It’s the same with CEOs, you can’t run all arms of your business by yourself, here’s where employee share ownership comes in. Entrepreneurs and business founders are a bright and optimistic bunch, but ask them to tell you what keeps them awake at night, and they’re usually not afraid to let rip. In the early stages, it’s all about survival. But once businesses are through that stage, two issues dominate all others.

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At $49 billion company Essilor, employees are the largest shareholders — and the CEO says that’s the best way to do it.

At The Essilor Group, an ophthalmics company based in France, employees are the largest group of company shareholders. To date, 55% of Essilor’s 67,000 global employees are shareholders, and they own upwards of 8% of the company’s share capital. All employees, regardless of seniority, are eligible to use their wages to purchase shares.

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Main Street Employee Ownership Act

Donald Trump ha firmato una legge che consideriamo storica, che aumenta gli incentivi alla promozione di imprese possedute dai dipendenti. Questa nuova legge ha trovato sostenitori presso entrambi gli schieramenti politici, Democratici e Repubblicani. Si tratta della legge più ambiziosa approvata dal Congresso negli ultimi 20 anni. L’Employee Ownership Index pubblicato da NCEO raddoppia la performance dello S&P 500.


Ecco cosa succede quando i lavoratori diventano azionisti.

La quadratura del cerchio fra la voglia di imprenditorialità e il bisogno di ridurre le ineguaglianze potrebbe aver trovato casa. E’ successo negli Stati Uniti dove, quasi per caso, sono nati gli “Esop”, ovvero gli “employee stock ownership plan”, acronimo di “piano di proprietà azionaria dei dipendenti”. L’idea è semplice, ma estremamente efficace.

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