Last year, Pete Stavros, a senior partner at KKR and the founder of Ownership Works, published an article in Fortune championing shared company ownership as the “missing path to the American dream.”
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New Survey: Employee-Owned Businesses score higher on Corporate Social Responsibility.
A new survey by John Zogby Strategies found that workers at private businesses owned by employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) place a higher priority on their companies’ commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) than employees at non-ESOP companies. The survey also found that employee-owned companies are more likely to deliver on those expectations, with S corporation ESOP workers giving their employers higher marks than their peers at non-ESOP companies for community investment, volunteering, economic opportunity, and social justice.
La democratizzazione d’impresa può essere una soluzione alle crisi.
Lo scorso 4 maggio il governatore del Colorado Jared Schutz Polis (primo uomo dichiaratamente gay a essere eletto al Parlamento americano) ha ricevuto il Torchlight Award per la sua leadership nel promuovere il workers buyout nel suo Stato. A conferire il riconoscimento è stata l’Associazione ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), la più grande al mondo a supporto delle aziende di proprietà dei dipendenti, che rappresenta oltre dieci milioni di dipendenti negli Stati Uniti.
Is employee ownership a better way for businesses to beat the Big Quit?
A recent survey says 84% of Canadian workers have experienced burnout during the pandemic, with 34% reporting high or extreme levels of stress. The Ceridian poll finds that 21% are looking for new jobs. In the U.S., a record-breaking 38 million quit their jobs in the Great Resignation, a.k.a the Big Quit, of 2021.
Piani di azionariato dei dipendenti.
Cos’è l’azionariato dei dipendenti? L’azionariato dei dipendenti è quando i dipendenti detengono una quota del capitale della società che li impiega. Inizia con un dipendente che detiene una quota e può estendersi fino al 100% detenuto da tutti i dipendenti.
Marjorie Kelly & Karen Kahn – The case for investing in Employee Ownership
For many years now, conventional solutions to income and wealth inequality—minimum wage, unions, progressive taxation, or guaranteed income—have failed to gain enough momentum to reverse the trend of greater and greater accumulation among the already well-off. What if we added a new approach, focusing on a primary source of wealth, business ownership, and how to transfer that wealth directly to the workers struggling today?
Andrew Pendleton – Solving succession woes with Employee Ownership Trusts
When it’s time for a business owner or founder to exit their organisation, it’s not quite as simple as picking out the right farewell cake for the goodbye party. Indeed, as demonstrated by Jeff Bezos’ move from CEO to Chairman of the Board at Amazon, any sort of ownership transition or succession planning requires careful planning and execution.
Ownership America Releases Inaugural Publication “Turning Employees into Owners: Rebuilding the American Dream”.
Ownership America, a new non-profit organization founded to turn Americans into owners, released its inaugural policy publication Turning Employees into Owners: Rebuilding the American Dream. Authored by experts in the employee ownership field, the report examines federal policy opportunities to significantly expand the number of Americans with an ownership stake in the company they work for through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
Brian J. Sharkey – How an ESOP can help business owners meet transition goals
When an owner of a privately held company is planning to retire, there are many different ownership transition options to choose from. Examples include a management buyout, transfers to the next generation, a sale to a third-party buyer, an IPO, or even liquidation. Each of these options has pros and cons, which should be evaluated based on each business owner’s unique situation.
La coalizione 1BY30.
Nel Regno Unito si è formata una coalizione. che riunisce le organizzazioni leader del movimento cooperativo e della proprietà dei dipendenti: Co-operatives UK ed Employee Ownership Association. La coalizione sta portando avanti la campagna 1 entro il 30 – il milione di proprietari: Un milione di proprietari dipendenti nelle PMI britanniche entro il 2030. Più di quanti ve ne siano attualmente in tutta l’Unione europea.